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is the Domino Pressure
Current Hall of Fame Champion
with a score of : 15
Since: 28 June 2023 - 06:58 PM

Domino Pressure
Downloaded 0 times


is the Domino Pressure
Current High Score Champion
with a score of 0
Scored: --

Flash Game

Find the one domino that, when pushed, will cause the entire set to topple and squash the tomato. You begin the game with 20 seconds on the timer, which is the time limit you have for finding, and clicking on, the correct domino. If you select the wrong one, you lose one (1) second off the timer for each domino you leave standing. The new timer then carries over to the next stage. If you lose all seconds off the timer, or if you do not click on a domino before the timer runs out, the game is over. You may skip up to three (3) stages in a game simply by clicking on one of the tomatoes in the bottom right of the play field.

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