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is the Zero Logic (AS3)
Current Hall of Fame Champion
with a score of : 0
Since: --

Zero Logic (AS3)
Downloaded 1 times


is the Zero Logic (AS3)
Current High Score Champion
with a score of 0
Scored: --

Flash Game

Zero Logic is a simple yet challenging math game where youll try and reduce a Monsters number to zero using math guns. Each of the 6 math guns have a math operator such as + (addition), - (subtraction), x (multiplication) and A· (division) along with a number. Shooting a gun will apply the guns number and operator to the Monsters number. So if you shoot a gun with +10 on it, 10 will be added to the Monsters number. Plan ahead as a gun can only be fired once per level. Using fewer guns to bring the Monsters number to zero will give you a higher score. Choose to play either of two modes: Unlimited or Challenging 50 Levels.

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