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is the Rooftop Runner (AS3)
Current Hall of Fame Champion
with a score of : 0
Since: --

Rooftop Runner (AS3)
Downloaded 1 times


is the Rooftop Runner (AS3)
Current High Score Champion
with a score of 0
Scored: --

Flash Game

In the funny Jump & Run Rooftop Runner you're late, because you should be in the 10-kilometer run. Unfortunately, you completely lost track of time. So get on the track as soon as possible before it starts! To do this, move your chosen hero to the gutters, buildings, etc. using arrow keys. On the way, gold coins must be collected and the respective checkpoint must be reached within the given time. In total, 4 levels of increasing difficulty await you. Each remaining second at the end of a level earns you 10 sec. You can try out the game control in the tutorial. Do not waste time, because you do not have much of it available. Can you make it through running, jumping, crouching, moving along and climbing in time? Game must be played through completely so that the score is saved.

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